It can be mixed with a variety of drinks and (semi-)solid food leaving original taste, flavor and texture largely intact. Examples include fruit juices, soups and sauces, custard, coffee, milkshakes and other dairy products as well as mashed potatoes, gravy, tuna salad, pasta dishes etc. Vitalnext can also easily be added in the making of an omelet or muffin.
Thus, users of the product will be able to follow their own taste-preferences.
During testing of the product in dietitian-focus-groups it was noted that using Vitalnext (in contrast to more traditional products) leads to fewer ‘eating-moments’ during the day.
VitalNext may be used to support treatment of malnourished patients
Malnourished patients often find it difficult to eat meals. By mixing VitalNext with their regular food they do not have to consume ‘extra meals’. It is also very useful for patients whose taste preferences change over time.
Prescribing VitalNext
VitalNext complies with all criteria and regulatory requirements for ‘Food for Special Medical Purposes’. It can be prescribed as an alternative for existing medical nutrition.