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About us

The founder of VitalNext, Rein Strijker, has always been fascinated by the relation between nutrition and loss of muscle function in elderly. In 2013 he founded Vitalnext Products with the aim to address the issue of loss of muscle mass and – function during aging.


Most people in the targetgroup of elderly suffering from muscle loss are malnourished. Yet, traditional medical nutrition mostly focuses on increase of weight. Hence, Strijker decided to develop a ‘Food for Special Medical Purposes’ focusing on muscle metabolism using the latest medical and scientific insights. By applying expertise and methods from the ‘life sciences’ a medical nutrition was developed (and extensively tested in preclinical models and in patients) that, not only complies with all the regulatory requirements for medical nutrition, but actually resulted in significant clinical improvements -compared to standard nutrition- in malnourished patients. The latter was shown in a randomized clinical study executed at Wageniningen University and Research.



Rudy Mareel 

Executive Chairman


Rein Strijker 

Supervisory Board


Rudy Mareel  

CEO Polyganics

Dharminder Chahal 

CEO and co-founder Cardiogenx

Willem M. de Vos  

Professor Microbiology Universiteit van Wageningen,
Professor of Human Microbiomics University of Helsinki.


Besides investments made by management the following parties have made investments in the company :


Galapagos NV

Galapagos ( is a public biotech company headquartered in Mechelen (Belgium). It develops and commercializes innovative pharmaceuticals. Its technology is widely seen as leading in the discovery of new therapeutics.

Hanzepoort BV

Hanzepoort is part of the ‘triade groep’ ( that is closely related tot he University Medical Center in Groningen (NL). Hanzepoort focuses on investments in innovative start-ups in the field of Healthy Aging.

Van Herk Ventures

Van Herk Ventures is part of Van Herk Groep (, owned by the Van Herk family. Besides real estate and energy the Van Herk Group has made significant investments in life sciences companies. These investments are made via direct investments in private and public companies as well in Venture Capital funds.


LRM ( is an investment company aimed at stimulating economic growth in the Belgian province of Limburg. Focus of investments is broad and covers startups as well as larger companies.


Oost NL (, East Netherlands Development Agency,  is an agency that focuses its activities and projects on strengthening and stimulating the economy of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel,  via, a.o., investments in companies that develop sustainable and innovative products and technologies.



VitalNext b.v.
J.H. Oortweg 19
2333 CH Leiden
The Netherlands
T +31 71 3322309